Finnlines werkt aan de milieuvriendelijkheid van zijn vloot

Finnlines is working on the environmental friendliness of its fleet

" Environmentally friendly in port - use of shore power and batteries Did you know that even when a ship is not sailing, various systems such as lighting, digital screens, ventilation and kitchen appliances still consume power? Fortunately, the new Finnlines Superstar ships are equipped with a handy shore power connection , allowing them to be connected to the local electricity grid.

This not only has benefits for the environment , but also for your comfort during a port stay. It not only reduces fuel consumption, but also ensures a peaceful and completely clean experience in port, without harmful emissions.

A special improvement in terms of sustainability.

Improving sustainability - Holmstock Travel collaborates with Finnlines and uses ships that are environmentally conscious.

And to top it all off, our powerful lithium-ion batteries ensure that clean energy is available for all systems on board even while sailing. This way we can save nature together while you enjoy a carefree and environmentally friendly trip."

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